THEM (Fairies) Comic archvial print


Is this a cover of a vintage Newfoundland comic book that actually existed, or another trick by the fairies? Newfoundland fairies are not the gentle winged folk of other traditions. Referred to as "The Little People" or simply "Them," fairies on The Rock can be outright malicious if crossed, as in the story from Upper Island Cove that inspired my artwork for this piece. A man had gone missing in the woods while picking blueberries sometime in the 1930s, then showed up a day later face-down on his front porch with his tongue cut out. Given a piece of paper by the police to write down what had happened, the man wrote only one word: FAIRIES. See this and more stories like it in this booklet published by the Heritage Foundation and illustrated by yours truly.

The paper size is 11” x 14”, with the cover sized to the dimensions of a vintage comic book. This is a high-quality archival print on thick stock with all original artwork.

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